As one artifact of the Slow Create Framework, the pipeline allows you to stack your many canvases all into one single document. This becomes increasingly necessary as you generate more and more canvases - each canvas representing a specific problem or idea area. Having a populated pipeline provides a singular and crystalized view of all of the many ideation or problem-solving situations you're mind is cycling on. This speeds up your mental cycles and also helps to bait-the-hook before traversing the Mindless Work LADDER.
All work performed on the Slow Create Canvases can be performed more efficiently by combining those canvases into the pipeline artifact. The canvases merging into a pipeline is displayed below to show visually the concept.
Stacking your canvases into a pipeline allows you to see in one view, all of the problems and ideas you're working on. This streamlines the process and rapidly accelerates your problem-solving mental cycles.
Download the pipeline PDF here.
Above shows the 3 core components of the framework, the canvas, pipeline, and triad, working together in order from left to right. Each canvas you create can be dropped into a single pipeline. As you work through the pipeline, you can generate triads. That is, well-framed models of communication of your progress, (and eventual results), using the Sustainable Mystique triad.
The Canvas allows you to plot out each idea area or problem domain into a single, structured set of boxes we call a Canvas. This structured information becomes your primary, centralized, and organized dataset that your mind can optimally process against on a regular, ongoing basis. Use the Funnel to explain each step within the Canvas.
As you create multiple canvases, it can become hard to keep track of them. The Pipeline organizes all your canvases into a single view. From this one simplified synopsis, your mind can traverse rapidly between problem sets or idea areas on a daily basis.
As you emerge from the Slow Create process with inflections, breakthroughs, or little-c creative epiphanies, the Sustainable Mystique Triad helps you amalgamate and communicate your findings in a format and cadence that can fascinate an audience.